evening, December 19, 2012 an Annual Day for Monte de Guirim ex-students and
their families was organized by Monte de Guirim Past Pupils’ Association at
Monte de Guirim. My wife and I attended the function. It was quite grand.
I keep visiting Monte de Guirim whenever I get a chance, I make it a point to
visit the school every time a book of mine is published so I can pass on a copy
of the book to the library, but it was the first time that I attended an
ex-students’ function. It was a good opportunity to visit my alma mater, where
I met a few old timers – most of the attendees were 1968 batch onwards.
Senior Friar, Fr. Dinesh (earlier John) Mendonça was felicitated for his long
service. Ex-teacher, Joy, was also felicitated, and so were one Sports Person
and one S.S.C. Topper.
activist-turned politician and ex-MLA of Dabolim constituency, Herculano
Dourado, who passed out from Monte de Guirim the same year as I did
(1965-1966), was felicitated for Life Time Achievement.
was one of the all-rounder students of Monte de Guirim. He was a studious boy,
a footballer, an athlete, a gymnast, Assembly leader, a monitor, an orator –
you name it. Herculano recalled some of the old teachers - Fr. Pacificus, Fr.
Ephrem, Fr. Diogo who were instrumental in instilling academic, moral and
spiritual values in us, which helped him build his career. He also recalled
that unlike today, it was a boys’ school. As such, girls were a taboo, but we
got a chance to look at girls from convents once a year when they attended our
annual concert. Referring to the Liberation Day, Herculano told everyone
present that though the Portuguese had long gone, some foreign items were still
available for sale at the school’s store then.
was great to meet and interact with Herculano and renew old friendship. I also
met old-timers Francis aka Fanchu Silveira, Alban Fernandes, Gilman Fernandes,
Jose Luis (my classmate in Special Class), Albert Goveia, retired Sr. Scientist
at the NIO and many others. We sipped drinks, talked about good old days,
inquired about our present lives and successes.
was singing and dancing to the music of “Lui Solo n Live”. Food was catered by
the ‘Merces Caterers’. Each entrant was charged a fee of Rs.350; snacks, soft
and hard drinks were provided at an extra charge. Many prizes were given away
for different activities. I was one of the winners of a prize – ‘person with
most white hair and beard’!
MC made an announcement and informed everyone that I authored three books -
‘Domnic’s Goa’ (2007) – a book on Goa’s customs and traditions; ‘Dispott’ttem
Chintop’ (2009) – a Konkani book in Roman script on Goan sayings, and ‘Mapusa,
Yesterday and Today’ (October this year) – a book on Mapusa half a century ago.
FernandesAnjuna, Goa
Mob: 8805237604/9420979201
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